The whole Melbourne V Sydney rivalry thing is as old as time itself and as someone who has spent a good chunk of time in both cities, I’m fortunate enough to be able to appreciate the view from both sides of the divide. Being a Melbournian at heart and finding inspiration and delight in all of its nook and crannies, I’m slightly biased, but in the spirit of fair play, here are my 10 favourite arguments that call out the good, the bad and the ugly of each city.
The weather is always at the top people’s minds in Melbourne, and for good reason. It generally stinks! Bright and sunny one minute, wet and windy the next. Whereas in Sydney, you’re only likely to be washed away in a flash flood or wiped out with heat exhaustion.
Sport is Melbourne’s big claim to head swelling superiority. Here in Melbourne we have a day off to celebrate a horse race. We have a day off to celebrate a football match. We hold the crowning glory of hosting the first Australian based Olympic Games (even if it was in 1956). As far as Sydney’s sporting achievements go, well, they did host the Olympics in 2000 so I guess that pretty much hands them the glory!
Nothing can beat Sydney’s famed harbour for sheer magnificence. It provides the canvas for iconic feats of architecture and engineering and the postcard views that Sydney is known for internationally. Melbourne, on the other hand, has a brown river that clumsily spills into a wind-trapped bay with no real redeeming features (ouch!)
It’s a little known fact that gold was discovered in Victoria just moments after its political separation from New South Wales, usurping Sydney’s claim to the wealth that the gold rush bestowed upon Melbourne. As a result Melbourne became the wealthiest city in the nation, bringing it glamour that still shines brightly today. Oh, and the Australian parliament sat in Melbourne until the formation of nation’s current capital, Canberra.
Sydney doesn’t hold the title of Australia’s Sin City for nothing! It’s known for being bold, brash and fast & furious. Melbourne’s status in the scheme of things is somewhat more reserved. They say while Melbourne is a Lady, Sydney is a Tart (or something like that). Let’s put it this way. Melbourne produced Kylie Minogue.
Melbourne takes the cake, so to speak, when it comes to restaurants and dining. Sydney’s restaurant scene is overrun with expat Melbournians and Melbourne attitudes (see small bar scene below.) Admittedly, Sydney has its prize eateries and grand dining destinations but it’s in Melbourne that the foodies make waves and cause international chefs to flock. Think Fat Duck.
Sydney’s more tropical climate means that a Sydney-siders’ idea of doing fashion is dressing for comfort. The changeable nature of the weather in Melbourne means that layering is possible. This is a boon for fashionistas and the fashion industry. Melbourne’s leading edge in the fashion stakes has borne not one but two annual festivals of fashion.
It’s often been said that Melbourne is the Paris of the South. If that’s the case, Sydney must be our New York. Take your pick. Both scenarios have obvious benefits to visitors but it must be noted that neither are truly accurate. Both cities as so inherently unique to Australia that such comparisons can only lead to disappointment.
The Arts
The state of the arts in a city is often an indicator of the vibrancy and sophistication of that city. This is where Melbourne once again triumphs over its Northern neighbour. Melbourne is where the big shows come to premier, the blockbusters set up shop and the people embrace art in all its forms. Sydney’s art folk do it for money. Melbournians do it for love.
The City
Melbourne’s famed city laneway scene has set the pace for the rest of Australia to follow, most vigorously, Sydney. The fabric of the city of Melbourne is a densely constructed one, planned with a structure that is quickly undone once venturing off its grand thoroughfares and into the lanes. Sydney is feebly trying to capture this sense of random engagement, with limited success.
Whatever you are looking for in an Australian city, both Melbourne and Sydney have it all. There’s argument for both cities on every level. Ignore the agitators. Go with your instinct and you will triumph.
(Featured image: James Cridland)