Thinking about a break in Perth? You won’t find crowded beaches and a bustling nightlife here, but it has nature, leisure and museums galore. To get your budget break off to a good start, search for the cheapest flights on and then discover what amazingly cheap and free things Perth has to offer…

Shop the Fremantle markets

A Perth institution, these markets have been around for 120 years. On weekends, the market itself bustles with food, artisan crafts and hordes of street musicians, magicians and street performers. During the week, surrounding buildings offer plenty of shopping opportunities from simple tourist gifts to fine art.

Fremantle Market is located on South Terrace, between Essex and Norfolk and admission is free. How much you spend while you’re in there is between you and your wallet.

See the sights at Elizabeth Quay

Elizabeth Quay inlet developed where the Swan River meets the Indian ocean. Like many formerly shipping-heavy docks, it has been transformed into a tourist mecca with plenty of restaurants that sit alongside staggering views. You can simply stroll or bike the riverside trail while checking out the gardens and public art, or take a boat tour to view the buildings and coast from the water. Either way, reward yourself by ending the day watching the sun set over the Indian Ocean.

Find Elizabeth Quay where the river meets the sea. Walking and biking are free, although drinks on the waterfront aren’t exactly cheap.

Snorkel, dive and kayak in Shoalwater Marine Park

Shoalwater Marine Park is a water playground of shallow wading holes and wildlife-rich snorkelling spots, plus a handful of diveable shipwrecks for flavour. The whole area is bordered by warm, sandy beaches to rest between ocean expeditions. Nearby Seal and Penguin Islands are named for their penguin colony and sea lion populations — you can guess which lives where.

This water recreation playground is in Rockingham, an hour’s drive from Perth. You park and get in for free, and can rent kayaks or snorkelling gear for under $20. If you prefer to scuba, you’ve already given up on “cheap and free” anything.

Learn more on walking and biking tours

Local volunteers lead themed walking tours all week that focus on the gardens of Perth, local public art, or landmarks of Perth’s rich gold rush. Each tour lasts about two hours and makes for a good way to start exploring the town. Alternatively, you can download free maps and audio guides of the tours, then pick up a free bike at the E-shed in Freemantle and explore on your own.

Walking and biking tours are both completely free. Get schedules and meet your walking guide at the information kiosk at Murray Street Mall. The E-shed bike station is in Fremantle.

Surf dunes and off-road in the White Sand Mountains of Lancelin

Only a handful of places in the world offer towering dunes of bright white sand to cruise in off-road quads or ride on surf and windboards. Lancelin is one of them. This stretch of white sand beach has some of the best, most beautiful dunes in the world, and the stretch of water hosts one of the world’s premier pro-windsurfing events. Dolphins and sea lions love the bay as well, offering unparalleled wildlife viewing. The nearby town offers plenty of places to eat and lots of simple lodgings for an overnight visit.

You can drive to Lancelin as a day trip for the cost of gas. Activities are free on your own, but can get pricey if you join a tour group.

Stroll and picnic in King’s Park and Botanical Garden

King’s Park and Botanical Garden is an enormous (400 hectares) stretch of green spaces, collections of local and regional plants, playgrounds, vistas and event locations. Despite Perth’s remote location, some claim this park logs more visitors per year than any other single attraction in Australia. You can walk the park every day for your entire visit and never run out of new things to view. While there, don’t miss the State War Memorial, spotting some of the 80 local bird species, and the Synergy Parkland up from May Drive.

Admission is free all year-round. Food for the picnic costs extra though…

Ready to explore Perth on a budget? Of course, getting there is the first step in any trip. You can use our flight search engine to find the cheapest flights, hotels and car hire available.

About the author

Jason BrickFreelance writer, work-from home dad, ninja warrior and occasional gourmet cook. Writing is what I do, and my family is why I do it.

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